Firstly, let me apologise for not writing sooner... I have been productively busy with my architectural practice. Alhamdulillah, God has been kind to us, what with the financial turmoil that is hitting economies around the world, we seem to be getting ever busier instead.
Anyway, back to what I had promised on my continuing personal remedy for cancer.

The herb is concocted into a 'tea' brew and taken thrice daily. It is effectively a detoxification herb that helps clean out my colon of poisonous toxins and rotten impurities as a result of years of accumulation of junk-food mess. On this note, Dr Teo has one very important prerequisite though - that anybody who wants to see his remedies work effectively must change their eating habits. No more junk food. Strict vegetarian and organic diet.
Thank you so much En Ayub. Thank you so much Dr Teo (website). You guys are my heroes.