There are some products that are an unfortunate necessity in life and for the companies that manufacture these products the marketing and sales of them bring specific problems and issues as well as opportunities.
Menstrual products are one of them.
Picture this. A box of 30 of the leading brand, Tampax, retails at £2.58 at Tesco (as of 26th August 2005). In the lifetime of a woman therefore the number of tampons used will be 10,000, which in turn would mean buying around 333 boxes of Tampons. Given the retail price quoted (and bearing in mind that inflation and wage increases would make some difference to the overall figures) the total amount spent by the average woman over their lifetime on this product is £860.
If we relate this back to the number of women in the world (the world's population is currently around 6.5 billion. Of that figure around 3.2 billion are women) it is easy to see that the potential market is very big indeed - around £2,752,000,000,000,000!
Yet, these are some of the issues confronting the industry:
- The Irony of Toxic Products & their Sanitary Protection Claims
- Unraveling the Truth About Pads & Tampons
- TSS: Safety of Feminine Sanitary Products Questioned
- Passing the Buck
- Unsettling Statistics in the Past
- Napkins Vs Tampons - Competition Heats Up
- Tampon Applicators & their Impact on the Environment
- Controversies Surrounding Feminine Hygiene Products
- Use of FHPs & Reproductive Ailments: A Disconcerting Connection
- FHPs: Caught in a Quagmire of Chlorine Bleached Products
- The Dioxin Issue: Haunting the Industry
- What the Manufacturers Have to Say?
Capitalizing on the curse: The business of menstruation