Thursday, October 2, 2008

Salam Aidil Fitri

Maaf zahir dan batin.

I wonder how many of us really know the meaning of this oft repeated sentence... 'maaf zahir dan batin'. It's literal translation is to 'forgive... in body and spirit'.

I also often wonder why it is so difficult for us to forgive - truly forgive. Aren't we taught that God creates us 'in the light of His soul', or that we have many similarities to His great attributes. After all, He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. If we had been given even a spark of His attributes, then surely it should be easy for us to forgive.

Sometimes, depending on the gravity of the 'offence' we perceive to have received from the person who has hurt us, we may forgive - in body. That is to show outwardly that we have accepted an apology. But then, one can 'feel' that we have not really forgiven 'in spirit' because we have allowed ourselves to contemplate the apology within our ego.

We feel that we were right in our argument. We are convinced that our point of view is supreme, that we have been misunderstood. What we may have done, more often than not, is that we may have even overlooked that we have failed to communicate.

If God AlMighty can forgive the worst sinner of His servant, just who are we to think that we cannot forgive anybody, zahir dan batin? Dare we even think that we are above God Himself? Indeed, to me that has to be the height of stupidity.

Since my contracting cancer, I would like to think that I have been able to forgive much much more easily than I ever did. Oh yes, I used to have an ego so big [and so stupid, I might add] that I thought I can never forgive some of my so-called enemies.

Not anymore.

But I confess, that I must continue to learn to keep quiet when the situation warrants me to keep quiet. Not to spontaneously react, even when the temptation to do so is so overwhelmingly strong. Easier said than done - most times. I am sure, this will further help improve my health - body AND soul.

Selamat Hari Raya,

Maaf, zahir dan batin.

Do think carefully what it really means when you say it, or when someone says it to you the next time round.


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